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Living Epistle

November 23rd daily blog devotional by Keith Wayne Edwards


2 Corinthians 3:2

Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:

One of the greatest ways to win someone to the Lord is by being a living epistle. To be that light to someone who is in darkness is powerful when done the right way. You can talk about great revelations and how much you know, but people don't care how much we know until they know how much we care. I can remember my mom telling me the time when my father worked at a factory. He was a pastor of his first church and was on fire for the things of God. My father was a great man and he lived what he preached. The Lord spoke to him and he felt like the Lord wanted him to witness to one of his co-workers. He witnessed day after day for several months. One day my father said, "Lord this is getting old. I just don't feel like I'm getting through to him. He felt like the Lord told him that he was done with talking to this one particular employee. He went to work that next day. As he started his daily routine, a man on a forklift came riding up to him. He said, "pastor, I've been watching you witness to that employee day after day. I've also watched how you deal with your co-workers. I've seen you live out what you believe. I want this Jesus you have been talking about." My father led this man to the Lord and to this day I believe he is still living a Christian life. I was only five years old when this man and his family would come to our church on Sundays. I remember becoming friends with his family, and I can remember years after this me and my brother going to this man's house and staying a whole week there with his family during the summer. My Father has gone to be with the Lord but he has made an imprint in my life as his son. I'll never forget the great things he did to live out the gospel. I want to encourage you this morning to never underestimate the power of seed planting, but never underestimate the power of reflecting Christ by being a living epistle.


Lord we ask that you help us be that living epistle to those around us. Let your light shine from within us, and we pray God that you would help us to not only talk to those around us but live a holy life right before the worst sinners around us. it could be the least one we would expect Lord that comes crawling to you, or it could be someone peeking around the corner watching very closely. We pray Lord that our devotional life would be so strong with you to show forth character to an unbelieving generation. Amen.

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