Genesis 41:33-36 33 "And now let Pharaoh look for a discerning and wise man and put him in charge of the land of Egypt. 34 Let Pharaoh appoint commissioners over the land to take a fifth of the harvest of Egypt during the seven years of abundance. 35 They should collect all the food of these good years that are coming and store up the grain under the authority of Pharaoh, to be kept in the cities for food. 36 This food should be held in reserve for the country, to be used during the seven years of famine that will come upon Egypt, so that the country may not be ruined by the famine." Also, Read Psalms 119:11 11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
We are living in a time where our nation is crumbling before the eyes of the church. The problem is that most of the church doesn't even know that the church needs the sound word of God. We have a lot of television minister's that minister the word of God, but with a mixture of greed and pride. The only thing this does is bring forth a deception that we are alright with no need of repentance as the body of Christ. I believe we are living in a time where a great famine of the word of God is going to come stronger upon our nation, yet the candy-coated messages from many preachers will become stronger as well. The messages will be mixed with more humanistic teachings and the sheep of God will become so thirsty for the pure word of God like never before. Joseph had two sons. One was named Manasseh, meaning God has caused me to forget, and the other is Ephraim, meaning God has caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction. I want us today to realize that God wants us to store the word of God in our hearts for the famine that will get stronger in the years to come. The bible says to hide the word of God in our hearts that we may not sin against God, and we see many sinning today by lack of sound doctrine. Joseph told Pharaoh to put a wise man and overseers over the land of Egypt and store up food for the famine that will come upon the land. I believe that God has raised true teachers in the past few years to speak to the body of Christ as a whole through Internet ministry and other means. I believe that the message from the true ministers of God has touched many, and there will be some that will repent during the famine of the word of God in our nation. I want to encourage you today to listen to the greatest wise man who ever lived who is Jesus Christ, and listen to the voices of true teachers who are speaking and storing fresh words from heaven for the days we are living in and the days to come.
Lord, we need you today like never before in the famine of the word of God that has been with us, and is going to get greater in the years to come. Help us, Lord, to follow sound doctrine, and help us to discern between what is right and what is wrong. We desire to store the word of God in our hearts today Lord, and we long to be fruitful during the land of affliction, Amen.