October 22nd daily blog devotional by Keith Wayne Edwards
Colossians 2:9
For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, 10 and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;
The deity of Christ is awkward and even offensive to many. If you believe in the deity and divinity of Christ you are shunned and ridiculed by the world, and to believe in this you will be persecuted more in the days ahead when the world becomes darker. You will be labeled a terrorist, ignorant, and God knows what else you will be called. We need the foundation built within our soul to conquer and shake off these attacks that will come to us as true saints set apart. This foundation will build a spiritual immune system within to be in a disposition of why Christ came to this world as God and how we need to view the world as lost and undone without the power of Christ changing the nature of the one who puts their trust in Him. We have to reject the humanistic deceptive words that others in this world try and mold us into, and the world's agenda is to bring forth a view of the world being able to rescue and save us other than trusting in the only one who can save us. Let's be enveloped and wrapped in the fact that Christ became what He was not without ceasing to be who He was, and we can grow in this knowledge more and more each day that He is the Godhead. We can have such a revelation that not only is Jesus the Word that became flesh and died for our sins, but that we are complete in Him and we were crucified with Christ Jesus on the cross if we believe in Him.
Holy Spirit, as we bow before your holy Feet pour upon us the revelation of your deity in such a deeper way. We worship you Jesus and thank you that you came down to die for our sins and be resurrected for us.