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My High Tower

October 16th daily blog devotional by Keith Wayne Edwards


Proverbs 18:10

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and they are saved.

Imagine yourself right now standing upon a huge tower. It’s dark and you can’t see a thing. You have truly repented and turned your life over to the Lord, but now you feel like He has abandoned you. Then you feel like there is no hope when all of a sudden, God says to you, “child you are mine. I have placed you upon this tower of my name, of my character, and who I am within you. Stand in me and let your hope so trust in the fact that my name needs to be a revelation of who you are in me and who you are standing upon.” Then you hear God speak to you again that He is your balance. He is your rock and your foundation. The tower is strong and mighty. Nothing can separate us from that place in God.

How many times do we start losing sight of what God did for us on the cross? How many times do we feel unbalance as a Christian and we feel like God has abandoned us? It’s all about revelation. The greek definition here for name in proverbs is shem and it means the character and reputation of God. The greek word for tower here is milgda and it means to be elevated to a high place. We are elevated and lifted in His name, His character, His might. For he is Jehovah, Elohim our Creator, El Elyon most High God, Adonai our Master, Elroi God Who Sees, El Shaddai God Almighty, Jehovah Ezer the Lord our Helper, Jehovah Jireh the Lord Will Provide, Jehovah Rapha the Lord our Healer, Jehovah Roi the Lord our Shepherd. He is our banner, our peace, and His name can be trusted as we stand upon his foundation, upon His tower, and in His name has been given to us by the Spirit of His trust. His name is the very revelation that we need to have when we enter into worship, prayer, and that devotion with Him every day, and when that revelation is mixed with the spirit of Christ in that moment of revelation is a power of the choice of our will that starts instilling foundation in our soul. It will renew our mind, heal our emotions, and set our will on course to the things of God, and when we see ourselves lean upon our name at times, we should look to Him to straighten us in the right position of the revelation of who we are in Him and who He is in us. Oh! Friend, it’s a much powerful place to stand upon His name. It will tear down faulty little foundations that we might have placed in our soul, and God will take out things and put good sound doctrine within us. Then as you are standing upon that tower you hear the Lord ask you, “Is that tears in your eyes?” and you feel the Holy Spirit wrap His arms around you and comfort you. You feel healing taking place. It’s a place like no other place. As you go through each day remember to stand in His name in your Christian walk. Remember to let God hold you when you need to be held. Let’s be elevated and lifted in His name.


Lord, we come to you in your name. Help us to see us how you see us. Righteous by the blood of Your Son, delivered by the power of the cross, and set free by trusting in you. Help us, Lord, to submit to you upon that tower so that we can walk in holiness, purity, and be the salt of this earth to those that don’t know you. Give us a revelation of the very rock and foundation that we have within us. Amen

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